Makeup & Self Esteem Workshop

This popular workshop is designed for schools; non-profit organisations, detentions centres, health and wellness centres, and other organisations that are looking to help improve the self-esteem of individuals. This is a fun, educational, safe and interactive workshop, with a practical makeup session demonstration at the end, where each individual learns professional application techniques, tips and tricks to enhance their natural beauty from the inside out.

Key Workshop Components

  • What healthy self-esteem means and its components

  • Increase self-knowledge by exploring personal skills, traits, talents, and goals

  • Strengthen self-support by understanding what you need and how to obtain it

  • Learn how to build self-esteem through self-nurturing behaviour

  • Gaining tools/ techniques to deal with issues such as: identity, body image, depression, anxiety, communication, self-worth

  • Learn a step-by-step Day to Night makeup, a professional skin care application and grooming techniques.